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Dictionary of Religion and Philosophy

Dictionary of Religion and Philosophy
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The go to reference point!
Reference books by nature are used to help you understand the subject they are written about. They are not exciting nor are they intended to be. All reference books have their usefulness and this book is certainly the go to book on the subject of religion and philosophy.

Over 3,000 entries from Aaron to Zwingli and everything in between is what you will find in this one of a kind book. The author appears to be a subject matter expert and this is probably the most extensive listing I have ever encountered.
This 675 plus page book covers more religion and philosophical topics than any other out there today. You may need other resources for a more detailed description, which the author has included in the bibliographies.
Most impressed by the author's ability to cover more that the traditional religions. Overall this book makes the perfect on-hand reference - excellent job! --Michael Woznicki, Holland, MA USA “A one-man dictionary of philosophy and theology? The idea might seem absurd, until we learn that the one man is Dr. Geddes MacGregor. Clear and informative, it is an ideal guide for students and anyone who wants help finding their way around in a vast and complex field of learning.”–John Macquarrie, Oxford University

“A tour-de-force, even for Geddes MacGregor. He has plucked from the vast field of religion and philosophy the topics on which most of us need succinct illumination and occasional correction. I shall not only turn to it when sorting out Christian heresies, or slippery philosophical concepts, but will browse happily when I should be doing something else.”–The Reverend Dr. David Read, Minister Emeritus Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church

“A splendid reference volume which students and their teachers will be glad to have ready at hand. It is a cornucopia of knowledge to be enjoyed as well as used.”–The Reverend Frederick H. Borsch, Bishop Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles

“[This] work has my unqualified recommendation. It is a masterpiece.”–Monsignor John V. Sheridan Our Lady of Malibou

“Admirably fills the need for a handy reference book. The information is accurate and up-to-date and the coverage amazingly complete. I recommend it without reservations.”–Robert P. Scharlemann, University of Virginia

“An extremely useful students’ resource giving immediate and accurate information on a vast range of topics within the scope of modem religious studies...I can only admire [MacGregor’s] vast range of knowledge. Like many other readers, I shall find it very useful.”–John Hick, The Claremont Graduate School

Reflected in the more than three thousand entries in this reference work is the rigorous professional training and the maturity of a lifetime of learning by an eminent scholar. Through judicious selection, Professor MacGregor has produced an essential and highly accessible reference book While no dictionary can pretend to cover every conceivable aspect within its field, the scope of this one makes it a unique desk companion for students at every level of religious studies.

In addition to its extensive presentation of religious and philosophical ideas of the Judeo-Christian heritage, the Dictionary of Religion and Philosophy also treats vast numbers of concepts that span philosophical and religious ideas from Egyptian and Indian antiquity to the Bogomils and the Druze, from the Zoroastrians to contemporary movements as diverse as scientology and the Rastafarians, from Neoplatonism to the Vienna circle, from the varieties of Buddhism to the schisms in Islam, from bioethical questions in ancient India to contemporary American discussions on euthanasia. All told, this is the most expansive one-volume desk reference work available for religious studies. Extensive bibliographies, organized by subject at the end of the book further its value as a reference work.

GEDDES MacGREGOR is Emeritus Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at the University of Southern California, and author of twenty-nine other books. His academic distinctions include two Oxford doctorates (D.Phil. and D.D.) and the grand doctorat (D. Litt) from the Sorbonne, Paris. He has also studied at Heidelberg University and is an LL.B. of the University of Edinburgh. A Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, he is also a recipient of the California Literature Award and is a Lit.Hum.D. of Hebrew Union College. His book, Angels: Ministers of Grace, is also published by Paragon House.

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