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Human Existence as Radical Reality: Ortega y Gasset's Philosophy of Subjectivity

Human Existence as Radical Reality: Ortega y Gasset's Philosophy of Subjectivity
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Notes , Bibliography
$19.95 (19.95)
"Ortega can rest easier now; his legacy lives vibrantly in the work of Pedro Blas Gonzalez."

"...focuses upon the Spanish writer, philosopher, and humanist Jose Ortega y Gassett (1883-1955), remembered for his humanistic criticism of the failings of modern civilization. Chapters examine Gasset's writings including his philosophy of history, his suspicion of change when fueled purely by ideology, viewing this specific type of change as little more than a bulldozer bent on destroying whatever the ideology opposes, his contemplation of life as 'radical reality', and much more. An advanced discourse suitable for college level students of philosophy, and useful as a companion, interpretative and instructional guide to, and an informative exploration of Gassett's original writings. Especially recommended for university library philosophy shelves."
--Midwest Book Review

José Ortega y Gasset, (1883-1955), Spanish writer, philosopher and revolutionary was noted for his humanistic criticism of modern civilization. His best known work, The Revolt of the Masses earned him an international reputation. In it, he decried the destructive influence of the mass-minded, and therefore mediocre, people, who, if not directed by the intellectually and morally superior minority, encourage the rise of fascism and totalitarianism. In an age of consumerism and the influence of corporations and interest groups on government policies, Ortega's thoughts on human subjectivity speak to our present human condition.

"Unfortunately neglected in recent years, the Spanish philosopher Jose Ortega y Gasset made important contributions to existentialism, political thought, and cultural analysis throughout the mid-twentieth century. In this skillful study of Ortega's work, Pedro Blas Gonzalez provides an important service by focusing fresh attention on a thinker and a philosophy that remain penetrating and timely."
—John K. Roth, Sexton Professor of Philosophy, Claremont McKenna College

“It is very important that Ortega’s work be reintroduced to a new generation. His work is very appropriate to an understanding of life today when more than ever before human life seems to be increasingly lived with a devastating negation of the subjective.”
—From the Preface


Preface: Ortega y Gasset’s Vital Philosophical Innovation
Part I The Neo‑Kantian Background of Ortega’s Thought
Part II The Dialectic of Experience: “Adam in Paradise”
Part III Ortega’s Thought: Idealism or Ratio‑Vitalism?
Part IV Life as Radical Reality
Part I The Discovery of Interiority
Part II The Objective World as My Circumstance
Part III “Yo Soy Yo y Mis Circumstancias” (I am I and My Circumstances)
Part I Ideas y Creencias (Ideas and Beliefs)
Part II Convictions: The Core of the Lived‑Experience
Part III The Affirmation of the Life‑World
To Live or to Exist?
Truth and the Anthropic Principle
The Physical Sciences and the Terrorism of the Laboratory: Subjectivity and Philosophical Knowledge
Part I Vital Reason (Historical Reason)
Part II Alteración (Inauthenticity)
Part III Ensimismamiento (Authenticity)
CHAPTER FIVE Ortega’s Philosophy of History
Part I The Structure of the Social World
Part II History as Individual Lived Experience: Inter‑Individuality Theory
CHAPTER SIX The Revolt of the Masses and the Nature of Mass Culture
CHAPTER SEVEN Contemplative Parallels: The Metaphysical Proximity of Valery’s “Conscious Calculation” To Ortega’s “Biographical Life”
CHAPTER EIGHT Concluding Remarks Concerning Life‑as‑Radical‑Reality
Part I The Existential Posture: Ortega’s Philosophical Proximity To Sartre
Part II The Question of Solipsism and Perspective: Biographical Life as Dialectical Reality
Part III Contemplation of Existence in Terms of Interiority
Part IV Biographical Being (Metaphysical Sentiment) vs. Biological Existence (Naturalism)
Glossary of Ortega’s Terminology
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