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Science and Absolute Values: Twenty Addresses

Science and Absolute Values: Twenty Addresses
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The Reverend Moon devoted his entire life to building bridges and promoting unity in all areas of human endeavor. In the early 1960s, when the Unification Church had few financial resources, the Reverend Moon initiated significant interfaith activities. In 1968, he founded the International Cultural Foundation to support scholarly activities and exchanges. Under its auspices, from 1972-2000, the International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences (ICUS) brought together eminent scholars and scientists from across disciplines, nations, and cultures in search of absolute values and unity among the sciences.

Activities such as ICUS were established and supported by the Reverend Moon because of his deep conviction that scholars and scientists have the greatest potential for finding solutions to the world's most pressing problems. From a religious point of view, expressed his belief that God would lead humankind to the solution of its problems through His inspiration to its most dedicated thinkers.

ICUS sought to maintain the highest standards of academic freedom in its discussions and debates. Its organizers recognized that the participants may have significant intellectual differences with each other and with the sponsors–especially on the question of the existence of absolute values. It is exactly because of these differences that the need for ICUS exists, to create and nurture an environment of mutual respect and intellectual rigor, in which these and other differences may be examined, debated, and perhaps narrowed.

Over the more than twenty years of the existence of ICUS, its founder, the Reverend Moon, spoke on a variety of topics, having the common theme of values in science. Although his speeches were always warmly received, their relevance to the conference discussions themselves was often not understood at the time. This collection of twenty of his conference speeches reveals an amazing consistency and timeless relevance to his messages.

Table of Contents
Introduction to the Founder, ICUS XII
Richard L. Rubenstein
Introduction of the Founder, ICUS XVIII
Tor Ragnar Gerholm
Welcoming Address, ICUS XX
Morton A. Kaplan
Introduction to the Founder, ICUS XX
Nicholas N. Kittrie
Addresses by the Reverend Sun Myung Moon
ICUS I: The Role of Unified Science in the Moral Orientation of the World
ICUS II: Modern Science and Man’s View of Moral Values
ICUS III: Science and Absolute Values
ICUS IV: The Centrality of Science and Absolute Values
ICUS V: The Search for Absolute Values: Harmony among the Sciences
ICUS VI: The Search for Absolute Values in a Changing World
ICUS VII: The Re-evaluation of Existing Values and the Search for Absolute Values
ICUS VIII: God and the Limit of Science
ICUS IX: How World Peace Can Be Achieved
ICUS X: The Search for Absolute Values and the Creation of the New World
ICUS XI: Absolute Values Perspective
ICUS XII: Absolute Values and the New Cultural Revolution
ICUS XIII: Introductory Remarks
by Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon
ICUS XIII: Absolute Values and the New Cultural Revolution
ICUS XIV: Momentum and a Forward Leap
ICUS XV: True Love and the United World
ICUS XVI: Absolute Values and the Reassessment of the Contemporary World
ICUS XVII: Absolute Values and the Reassessment of the Contemporary World
ICUS XVIII: Absolute Values and the Reassessment of the Contemporary World
ICUS XIX: Absolute Values and the New World Order
ICUS XX True Knowledge, True Family, and World Peace

ICUS I-XX: A Photo History

Responses from Prominent Participants
Statement of Gratitude by John C. Eccles, ICUS III
Committee Chairmen’s Statement, ICUS V
Resolution of the ICUS X
The Houston Declaration, ICUS XIV
ICUS XIX: Banquet Address: Becoming the Leaders in Building a World of Peace
Reverend Sun Myung Moon
ICUS XIX Response: The House of Unification for World Peace
Richard L. Rubenstein
The Seoul Proclamation, ICUS XIX
Eugene P. Wigner
Kenneth Mellanby
Freidrich von Hayek
Bruce L. Benson
Morton Kaplan
Alexander King
John C. Eccles
Karl Pribram
Richard L. Rubenstein
Alvin M. Weinberg

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